I bent my head low to adore my Savior that I now held in my heart. There about ten feet away, walking as He were rushing to me, His arms out, reaching for me – Jesus, Jesus, in white that rippled with the softness of the sea breeze (He looked like He did when He asked Saint Peter to walk on the water.) His hair a soft rich golden brown. His face, beauty, beauty. Then He bent down, placed His hands over mine and placed a kiss on my forehead.


Here Dorothy, in profound adoration of Jesus, Whom she had just received in Holy Communion, is given a vision that places her love for Him on the intimate level of spousal love. This type of mystically expressed love is, in fact, not only true of Jesus and His Church, but also of every in-dividual, whether male or female, who has been made part of Jesus through the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism.