Jesus, Jesus, that you could love me so. For days you called me constantly. All day I could hear only Your voice saying, “Seek not thou to lead the way but follow Me.” All day my Guardian Angel would ask me, “Where is God?” I would whisper back, “God is everywhere.” All day long Our Lord whispered to me of His love. I could not work. My work suffered, everything went wrong.
This morning, after all of these years, as the priest placed the Sacred Host on my tongue – My God, my God, Lord of Love, it is your flesh, pores, the sweetness of heavenly honey.
I told Father when I went to confession. He said, “You must offer your life to Our Lord, if you can.”
To my Jesus I whispered, “Only grant that I may love You always, then do with me what You will.”
From that day on I always received Our Lord’s flesh and most precious blood on my tongue. Sometimes His blood flows like wine from the pores, sometimes a drop of blood like a single jewel. After several days, Our Lord told me not to swallow at once, but to “taste the sweetness of His flesh.”
In this grace, Our Lord teaches Dorothy that it is necessary to follow the indications of His will as these are providentially manifested for us in our daily life. In this way, we will find Him and His love. At her Communion on this day, Dorothy’s grace of July 24 and 25, 1940, regarding the reality of the Eucharist as the flesh and blood of Jesus, was renewed and intensified. This is the first entry that refers to her spiritual director and confessor. In fact, Father Michael L. Novacki, O.P., had only recently arrived at St. Mary’s Church and was put in charge there of the newly founded Shrine of the Divine Infant Jesus of Prague. His advice to Dorothy is an explanation of Our Lord’s request of her that she offer herself as a victim of his love. This refers back to her grace of August 1942, the sixth entry, when Our Lord revealed to Dorothy her vocation to be a victim of His love. Dorothy mentioned that when asking her to accept this state of victim, Our Lord told her that He would give her the grace of salvation even if she should choose not to ac-cept His special request.