A few evenings later as I was saying my rosary, suddenly I realized I was kneeling in a bank of clouds at Our Lord’s feet – bleeding feet. I bent and kissed His Sacred Wounds and for a long time, I drank His most precious blood – pouring into those sore and bleeding wounds all that I have, my love.

Our Blessed Mother was standing at my side. I asked her what would happen to my children. She told me, “I will take care of your children.”


In this grace, Dorothy drinks the most precious blood of Jesus from the sacred wounds in his feet.  Though Jesus tells us in the gospel that we must drink his blood (cf Jn 54-56), Dorothy’s speaking of drinking his blood from his wounds may surprise one who is not familiar with certain mystical graces were such an expression is common.  Our salvation was obtained through the shedding of Our Divine Savior’s blood that poured forth from his sacred wounds.  In this sense, Jesus’ wounds are the fonts of our salvation. This grace was given Dorothy as she prayed the rosary.  Thus, through her rosary we find Dorothy living out her vocation as a victim of Jesus’ love in communion with Mary.  Because this life of suffering takes its toll upon Dorothy’s life, and she is well aware of this, Dorothy expressed concern for her children.  She realized that her life of victim for souls would not allow her to care for her children as other mothers. Anticipating her apprehension, Mary, good mother that she is, came to Dorothy’s side and promised her that she herself would care for Dorothy’s children.